Same Day Delivery
The Same-Day Delivery service provides fast and reliable shipment delivery within the city zones of Belgrade and Novi Sad (excluding surrounding areas). This service ensures that your shipment reaches its destination on the same day it is dispatched.
To use this service, simply call our Call Center at +381 11 331 33 33 between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM, provide accurate sender and recipient details, choose the payment method (cash or bank transfer), and specify the shipment type. Within a maximum of one hour from your call, our courier will pick up your shipment, with delivery completed between 4:00 PM and 9:00 PM.
As part of the Same-Day Delivery service, we offer the following additional options:
- Cash on Delivery (COD)
- Return Receipt
- Personal Handover
- Return of the Dispatch Note
- Prepaid Reply Service
- SMS Notification to the Sender Upon Delivery
For fast and secure deliveries within Belgrade and Novi Sad, rely on our Same-Day Delivery service!